BlitzMax on Commodore OS Vision v2
BlitzMax is a strongly-typed, garbage-collected, open-source programming language with built-in support for advanced 2D graphics, sound, unicode and is ideally suited to making all kinds of apps and games. BlitzMax was discontinued several years ago by Blitz Research , but it was open sourced and is now freely available . BlitzMax primarily targets the main three desktop platforms - Windows, Linux and macOS - but also supports building native binaries for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and NX (Switch homebrew). Back in the day, the Commodore Amiga was the initial platform for the BlitzBasic programming language. BlitzMax is a newer version and has continued its development since those early days of BlitzBasic on the Commodore Amiga. Creating a Command Line or Terminal app is as simple as: Print "Hello, World" And creating a Graphics app is almost as simple with the following code: SuperStrict Graphics 640,480 Repeat DrawText "Hello, Commodore OS Vision Worl...