Ecomstation 2.2 Beta 5 running on a Dell Optiplex 3020 Desktop Computer
After my recent experiments with installing OS/2 Warp 4.52 in VirtualBox, I decided to try locating a copy of Ecomstation that I could try out. Several years ago I had downloaded a copy of a demo of Ecomstation 1.2, so I knew there was a demo image of Ecomstation somewhere out there on the World Wide Webs.
My search didn't take long. I found an ISO for Ecomstation 2.2 Beta 5 on a site that archives old websites and software. So I downloaded Ecomstation 2.2 Beta 5 and burned the ISO to a DVD.
I wasn't sure how well Ecomstation would run, but it turns out that it ran well on the Dell Optiplex 3020 desktop computer. I found the Optiplex 3020 in the scrap pile at work, and I decided it was a good candidate for this experiment.
Everything of importance to me worked fine. After Ecomstation booted, the graphics were set normally and the NIC was recognized, and I was able to connect to the Internet. I wasn't able to test the sound as I've not yet connected external speakers to the Dell Optiplex 3020; however, the internal speaker works as Ecomstation beeped at me a few times when Firefox crashed trying to run a Google search. Yahoo search worked okay, though.
The version of Firefox that was included with Ecomstation 2.2 was quite out of date. Firefox 10 is long gone, but it managed fairly well considering how old it is. Youtube didn't work, of course, but it wasn't surprising.
In the future I will try figuring out how to install Ecomstation onto the hard drive and installing more recent web browsers along with installing WordPerfect for OS/2 and Lotus Smartsuite for OS/2.
Until next time, happy computing.
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